Dr. Halpert is a Physician Specialist in Emergency Medicine from CES University of Medellín, she has postgraduate training in Management of Health Care Institutions and also a master’s degree in Health Administration from the same University. She is a professional with a high ethical, social, and human sense, she has extensive experience in the design, application and use of advanced therapies. After more than 10 years of experience as Director of the Emergency Service of a prestigious clinic in the city of Medellín, she joins BioXcellerator as Chief Medical Officer (CMO) and Medical Manager around 4 years ago to constitute the global medical team and promote the technological and infrastructure development of the institution, with the strategic objective of positioning the company as a center for clinical research and innovation with advanced therapies and regenerative medicine worldwide.
La Doctora Halpert es Médica Cirujana especialista en Medicina de Urgencias de la Universidad CES de Medellín, cuenta con formación de posgrado en Gerencia de IPS y Maestría en Administración en Salud de esta misma Universidad. Es una profesional con un alto sentido ético, social y humano, tiene una amplia experiencia en el diseño, aplicación y uso de terapias avanzadas. Luego de más de 10 años de experiencia como Directora del Servicio de Urgencias de una prestigiosa clínica de la ciudad de Medellín ingresa a BioXcellerator como Chief Medical Officer (CMO) y Gerente Médica aproximadamente hace 4 años para constituir el equipo médico global y promover el desarrollo tecnológico y de infraestructura de la institución, con el objetivo estratégico de posicionar a la compañía como centro de investigación clínica e innovación con terapias avanzadas y medicina regenerativa en el ámbito nacional e internacional.. Habla español, inglés y francés.
Spine surgeon, Micro surgeon of brachial plexus and peripheral nerves and Neurosurgeon
Dr. España is a neurosurgeon of basic training at the University of Antioquia in Colombia, conducted fellow studies in spinal and spine surgery in the center of high medical complexity in Mexico, hospital of paraplegics of Toledo in Spain, hospital of clinics in Buenos Aires Argentina and two Clinics in São Paulo Brazil.
He has 12 years of experience in managing lumbar, cervical and dorsal spinal pain with different techniques, especially in the management of spinal hernias and pain derived from degenerations of the Inter vertebral disc, being an expert in Latin America doing intradiscal ozone management and Pioneer in America in the use of Intradiscal stem cells (within the spinal disc) and intrafacetary (within the spinal joints) for the management of degenerative diseases of these structures either by trauma or aging.
He is an expert in the management of patients with spinal cord injury, a member of the World Association of spinal cord injuries, where he is at the forefront of comprehensive management and research studies in the active search for the recovery of mobility of n patients with these diseases.
He is an Educational Advisor of AO SPINE, the most important medical society of spine surgeons in the world in which he is active as an international FACULTY, so he is Conferencer in several column congresses of this association.
He is a member of the Word Federation Of Neurosurgery, where he is an active part of the chapter of nerves and spine, being appointed as the president of this chapter of the next world congress of this specialty that will be held in Bogota in 2021.
Doctor graduated from the University of Cartagena, recognized as the best undergraduate medical student at the University of Cartagenta, promotion 2005. With a specialty in Neurosurgery, a degree granted by the University of Antioquia. He has training in the medical and surgical management of spinal and skull traumatic pathology. Fellowship in skull base surgery of the World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies at the Curitiba Institute of Neurology (Curitiba-Brazil).
Neurosurgery professional with leadership, commitment and human sense attributes, first president of the SADEN Antioqueño Neurosurgery Syndicate. Head of the Neurosurgery service of the Clinica del Norte Foundation, he has been coordinator and head of other neurosurgery services in prestigious institutions in the city of Medellín and the department of Antioquia.
Trained in the general management of spinal skull neurosurgical pathology. With special training in the management of complex tumor pathologies that involve the skull base region, the cervical skull region and facial skull. Trained and with development of skills for the endoscopic management of pathologies that involve the base of the skull, cerebral parenchyma and cerebral ventricular cavities
Sports Physician
Dr. Ramírez is Medical Doctor with a clinical specialization in Physical Activity and Sports Medicine from Universidad de Antioquia. Previously he was a regional and national cycling and soccer team doctor, he has extensive knowledge in the treatment and rehabilitation of injuries derived from the practice of sports or similar activities.
Also, have an extensive experience in the treatment of metabolic diseases and obesity he participated in the Obesity Research and Treating Group at Hospital Fundación San Vicente. He is one of the more experienced doctors in Latin-American in stem cell treatments and regenerative therapy with more than 10 years of his medical practice dedicated to those topics.
El Dr. Ramírez es médico especialista en Actividad Física y Deporte de la Universidad de Antioquia. Anteriormente fue médico deportólogo de equipos regionales y nacionales de ciclismo y fútbol, tiene un amplio conocimiento en el tratamiento y rehabilitación de lesiones osteomusculares derivadas de la práctica de deporte o actividades similares.
Adicionalmente, cuenta con una amplia experiencia en el tratamiento de enfermedades metabólicas y obesidad, participó en el Grupo de Investigación y Tratamiento de Obesidad en el Hospital Fundación San Vicente. Actualmente es uno de los médicos latinoamericanos pioneros con más de 10 años de experiencia en aplicación de tratamientos experimentales de lesiones osteoarticulares con células madre y terapia regenerativa.
Sports Physician
Dr Sanín, a surgeon at the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, specialist in Orthopedics and Traumatology at the University of Antioquia, is a Fellowship in Knee Surgery and Arthroscopic Surgery at the University of Health Sciences of the city of Bogotá, from which he graduated in 2008. For more than 10 years he has dedicated his work to the management of orthopedic pathologies and sports trauma with emphasis on the management of joint diseases of the shoulder, knee, ankle and hip mainly.
He currently works at the Hospital San Vicente Rionegro Foundation where he serves as head of the joint surgery and reconstruction service and attends to his private patients at the orthopedic center in the town of Medellín.
Since the beginning of BioXcellerator, he has been working as its orthopedist, already with extensive experience in procedures of application of growth factors and stem cells.
During the last 10 years he has been dedicated to the management of joint knee pathologies with meniscal injuries, ligament injuries, cartilage injuries, degenerative knee problems, deformities, knee and knee instability, inflammatory alterations, etc.
Regarding shoulder pathologies, emphasis has been placed on the management of rotator cuff injuries, shoulder instability, labial and biceps injuries, etc. It has also focused on arthroscopic management of hip and ankle problems such as femoroacetabular impingement, labral injuries, chondral lesions, management of instabilities, etc.
All these procedures are performed by minimally invasive techniques such as arthroscopy.
He is currently an active member of the Colombian Society of Arthroscopic Surgery ACCART and the Latin American Society of Arthroscopic Surgery, Knee and Sports SLARD.
He is permanently in courses of updates and congresses of new advances in joint surgeries and non-invasive treatments for the benefit of his patients.
His current emphasis is to continue to provide relief to his patients and position joint regenerative medicine as the future and change in the treatment of patients.
Orthopedic physician graduated from the CES University and the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, with more than 20 years of experience dedicated to the treatment of articular and osteomuscular diseases that directly affect daily life (sports trauma, degenerative diseases).
Its publications based on bone metabolism, osteoporosis and sports diseases Report of Results with the Insulin-Type Proximal Rotuliana Realignment Technique and Bodily Injuries in Tibia Fractures Caused in Accidents and its Validation confirm the expertise and interest in the management of said pathologies.
Dr. Velásquez has been an arthroscopy instructor at the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, where he has observed with great admiration the multiple advances that medicine has made in recent years, giving much importance to regenerative medicine, the use of platelet-rich plasma, and the use of totipotential cells derived from wharton's gelatin. The implementation of these new techniques translates into a significant improvement in the prognosis, ease of management and results of the aforementioned diseases.
This opens a new chapter in modern medicine where we hope to positively impact the quality of life of our patients through the use of various innovative techniques that are being developed in conjunction with BioXcellerator.
My name is María Alejandra Henao, I am a medical doctor from CES University, I have worked as a general practitioner in external consultation and as a professor of medical students at the same university. In addition to clinical practice, I have been very interested in the investigative and scientific approach, I’m finishing a postgraduate degree in epidemiology also at CES University.
I recently started working with Bioxcellerator, this is a new beginning for me and for my professional career, I am very interested in helping patients with advanced cell therapy and all the benefits that it has.
Mi nombre es María Alejandra Henao, soy médica de la Universidad CES, he trabajado como médica general en consulta externa y como profesora de estudiantes de medicina en la misma universidad. Además de la práctica clínica me ha interesado mucho el enfoque investigativo y científico, es por esto que estoy actualmente estoy finalizando un postgrado en epidemiología también en la Universidad CES.
I´m Sebastián Correa Londoño. I am a Medical Doctor from the University of Antioquia here in Medellín, Colombia. I had been working in the Emergency Room and external consultation for a year after receiving my degree. I have a special interest in neurosurgical and musculoskeletal diseases, sports medicine, and basic biomedical sciences. I recently started working in BioXcellerator where we work as a team to give our patients the best treatment options with our advanced cellular therapy, I will be pleased to assist you in this clinical process and give you all the tips so you can discover my city and fall in love with it.
Soy Sebastián Correa Londoño. Soy médico general de la Universidad de Antioquia en Medellín, Colombia. Trabaje durante un año en el servicio de urgencias y consulta externa luego de mi graduación. Mis áreas de interés son patologías osteomusculares y neuroquirúrgicas, al igual que medicina deportiva y ciencias básicas biomédicas. Recientemente comencé a trabajar en BioXcellerator donde trabajamos en conjunto con todo el equipo interdisciplinario para ofrecerle a nuestros pacientes las mejores opciones terapéuticas con nuestra terapia celular avanzada. Como parte del equipo estaré acompañándote en el proceso clínico previo a la terapia y durante el tiempo de tratamiento en nuestra clínica.
I am a physician and surgeon graduated from the University of Antioquia, currently studying my second year of specialty studies in complementary and integrative medicine at the Juan N Corpas University, addressing therapies such as acupuncture, neural therapy, homeopathy, plant pharmacology among others. During the work process with regenerative medicine I have been able to see not only the scientific evidence but also the results in our patients, which has made me believe more and more and commit to the study of this medicine.
I consider that the personalized and good quality management of our patients is essential, which is one of the pillars in our clinic. I am currently in charge of the special IV Drips in our clinic, I will also be with you throughout the medical process and your stay at BioXcellerator.
Soy Medica y cirujana graduada de la universidad de Antioquía, actualmente cursando mi segundo año de posgrado en medicina complementaria en la universidad Juan N Corpas, abordando terapias como la acupuntura, terapia neural, homeopatía, farmacología vegetal entre otras. Durante el proceso de trabajo con la medicina regenerativa he podido ver no solo la evidencia científica sino también los resultados en nuestros pacientes, lo que me ha hecho cada vez más creyente y comprometida con el estudio de esta medicina.
Considero esencial el manejo personalizado y de calidad a nuestro paciente lo cual es uno de los pilares en nuestra clínica. Actualmente soy la encargada de los Special IV Drips en nuestra clínica, además te acompañaré durante todo el proceso médico y tu estadía en BioXcellerator.
I am doctor Ana María Hoyos. I studied medicine here in Medellín, at Universidad CES. I did my career based on an orthopedics approach, which is a great complement to the musculoskeletal treatments we offer. Furthermore, I have worked before in external consultation, being a family doctor.
Currently, I am complementing my studies by doing a specialization in Health Management, also at Universidad CES. Using this new knowledge has helped me and the rest of the assistant staff to give the patients a secure stay in Bioxcellerator. What makes my service valuable is the care, empathy, and good relationship I build with every patient I treat
Soy la doctora Ana María Hoyos. Estudié medicina aquí en Medellín, en la Universidad CES. Hice mi carrera siguiendo un enfoque ortopédico, lo cual es un gran complemento para los tratamientos musculoesqueléticos que ofrecemos. Además, he trabajado antes en consulta externa, siendo médico de familia.
Actualmente, estoy complementando mis estudios haciendo una especialización en Gerencia de Instituciones Prestadoras de Salud, también en la Universidad CES. El uso de este nuevo conocimiento me ha ayudado a mí y al resto del personal asistente a brindarle a los pacientes una estadía segura en Bioxcellerator. Lo que hace que mi servicio sea
valioso es el cuidado, la empatía y la buena relación que establezco con cada paciente que trato.
Psychologist, with training in Neurosciences. With more than 8 years of experience in individual therapy with children, adolescents and adults, as well as in family and couple therapy.
He has worked in the hospital private sector, in the most renowned clinics of the city of Medellín, in the care of patients with head trauma and spinal cord injury, as well as in the management of mental health programs in the public sector. He has been coordinator of rehabilitation programs for physical disability in patients with spinal cord injury and is a professor in several health faculties of Medellín.
Nursing assistant with 10 years of experience in the healthcare area. She has acquired the necessary skills to provide care and give preferential care in all the processes and treatments that are provided.
With experience in hospitalization, emergencies, outpatient consultation and vaccination. Certifications in immunobiological administration and patient orientation according to the regulations issued by the Sena, with which I facilitate patient care and service, I also have the ability to communicate, which guarantees patient and family care. comprehensive in any environment, both internal and external.
Nursing assistant with communication and learning skills, joins Bioxcellerator to provide support in the care area, obtaining all the necessary knowledge to provide the most complete and best possible treatment to their patients.
It has the ability to adapt in any work environment obtained through its academic training at different levels of health care, allowing you to create a comfortable and safe environment, accompanying each patient on the road to recovery.
She has joined the BioXcellerator work team as a Health Advisor and medical visitor representing the biobank, revealing our regenerative therapies. her objective in the company is to support the positioning of the company in the health sector and provide the best advice to patients and doctors.
Diana is a commercial nurse with 15 years of experience in medical visits and personalized advice. His extensive knowledge in this field, provides the company with commercial strategies that allow the creation of alliances with prestigious universities, clinics and companies in the health sector.