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Advanced stem cell therapy with Mesenchymal Stem Cells


To understand why stem cells are used to treat diseases and different medical conditions, You must first understand what Regenerative Medicine is.


Regenerative medicine is a vanguard branch of medicine, which emerges through interdisciplinary research integrating various areas such as cell biology, tissue engineering, gene therapy, cell therapy, cell immunotherapy, 3D bioprinting, therapy with exosomes, among others, according to the International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR, for its acronym in English).

Regenerative medicine is based on the repair, replacement, or regeneration of cells, tissues, and/or organs by stimulating and enhancing the self-healing capabilities of the human body. Its fundamental principle is to restore the functionality of the tissues.

BioXcellerator Colombia is a pioneer institution in the application of cellular therapies that meets the highest standards of quality, human resources, commitment, and cutting-edge technologies under the medical direction of Dr. Karolynn Halpert.



Stem Cell Therapy


The human body is made up of hundreds of different types of cells that fulfill specific functions and that are responsible for keeping our body functioning every day. Among these are the stem cells, which are the suppliers of all the new cells that are responsible for the regeneration of tissues, thus maintaining the healthy body.

They are cells that have the ability to divide and differentiate into various types of specialized cells, which makes them a vital element for medical research and treatment.

Stem cells are the providers of new cells. When these are divided, they can make more of themselves or more of other types of cells. For example, they can form more skin stem cells or can form differentiated skin cells that have specific jobs such as producing the melanin pigment.



Stem cells can be obtained from various tissues such as fatty tissue, bone marrow, umbilical cord cells, umbilical cord blood, dental pulp, among others. In cell therapy, these stem cells are expanded and cultured in the Cell Bank of BioXcellerator, obtaining a higher cellular number of high qualities, to be subsequently reintroduced into the individual through different routes, depending on the patient's medical condition.

Cells derived from adipose tissue, bone marrow, and umbilical cord have unique advantages such as ease to obtain, absence of risk of immune rejection, immediate availability, minimal risk of complications, infections and disability.

Stem cells act through the secretion of bioactive molecules. Dr. Arnold Caplan, the pioneer in the research of mesenchymal stem cells and adjudicator of his name MSC, proposed to rename these cells as medicinal signaling cells or Medicinal Signaling Cells (MSC) for its acronym in English, because the most important function of these cells they are the factors that they secrete.



  • The capacity of numerous cycles of cell division to maintain the undifferentiated state or its capacity for self-renewal.
  • They are found in multiple tissues of the body.
  • One of its main functions is to maintain cell balance and replace cells that are becoming sick or dying (apoptosis) and under pathological conditions has the potential to regenerate damaged tissue.
  • They can generate many types of specialized cells. Being multipotent can be differentiated into a subset of cell types such as bone, cartilage, adipose tissue, muscle, endothelial cells, among others.
  • They synthesize and secrete a set of trophic factors (growth factors) that stimulate or activate the patient's own cells, promoting their expansion or proliferation, among other functions.
  • They have the ability to migrate to affected areas through inflammatory signals released in pathological conditions (Homing).



  • Stimulation of cell differentiation
  • Immunomodulation and inflation control: mesenchymal stem cells have strong anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory properties. These cells regulate the immune system and reduce inflammation helping in the treatment of autoimmune and inflammatory conditions.
  • Signaling: MSCs secrete a large number of cytokines, chemokines, and trophic factors, which stimulate the endogenous MSCs for differentiation, mobilization, and proliferation.



According to their origin:

  • Adults: they are also called somatic and are those that can be extracted from any person, regardless of their age. They can be found in specific areas (MSC niches) of all tissues and parts of the body, staying dormant for long periods until they are activated either to complete the cell renewal cycle, or to repair a damaged tissue due to an illness or an injury.
  • Embryonic: are those found in embryos more than four or five days old and from them develop all the tissues and organs of the fetus. Given their very high differentiation capacity, they can be transformed into any type of cell, they are the most interesting from the research perspective, but they raise important ethical questions that have led to prohibiting their use in most countries.
  • Perinatal: are those that can be obtained from tissues that are normally discarded after the birth of a baby such as: placenta, umbilical cord, amniotic membrane, amniotic fluid and umbilical cord. Of the cells of the umbilical cord it is necessary to differentiate between those that can be extracted from the cord blood and those of the umbilical cord tissue that are known as Wharton's gelatin cells. The blood cells of the umbilical cord are of hematopoietic origin, therefore, there are differences between their functions and possible utilities.
  • Reprogrammed or iPS: these cells are differentiated adults, which are forced to re-express genes associated with embryonic stages, therefore, they return to express characteristics of embryonic stem cells without the ethical conflicts of these cells. Their disadvantage is that they are genetically modified so they can be unstable.

According to the patient:

  • Autologous: They are characteristic of the same individual.
  • Allogenic: Of different individuals of the same species
  • Xenogenic: From a different species differentiation

According to their potential:

  • Totipotent: They have the capacity to form a complete organism. They are not used in cellular therapies.
  • Pluripotent: They have the potential to develop any type of cell. They are obtained from the blastocyst or by cell reprogramming. They are not used in cellular therapies due to ethical conflicts and genetic instability, respectively. Very used in research. High risk of producing tumors.
  • Multipotent: They are called organ-specific or adult stem cells capable of generating any type of cell from their germ layer. They are used in cell therapy.

Types of stem cells most used

  • Mesenchymal Stem Cell

  • Hematopoietic Stem Cells 



It is a process by which new cells are introduced to the body to treat a disease. Cell therapy involves a wide variety of cell types with regenerative, reparative, protective, or immunoregulatory characteristics, among which are the so-called stem cells or Stem Cells.

Unlike many traditional treatments, some of the high cost, with side effects, which are not directed to the causes but to the symptoms, cell therapy has had very promising and even potentially curable answers. Other countries around the world are already using cell therapy with effective results and research is increasingly hopeful and accurate, however, few clinics have legally approved therapies.

The most commonly used stem cells are the mesenchymal stem cells of Wharton's gelatin from the umbilical cord, bone marrow or stromal, and adipose tissue. For the type of condition or disease to be treated, the medical team should have a broad knowledge of the patient's condition, treatment alternatives and evidence that the steps to follow can offer a successful outcome.



In a natural way, our body has the capacity to repair injuries that diminish as we get older. The quantity and quality of MSC that we all have also decrease with time.

The treatment with MSC consists of supplying the patient with as many cells as possible, thus increasing the body's capacity to protect, replace or regenerate damaged or diseased cells.



  • It has few possibilities to generate rejection by the organism.
  • It is an alternative treatment for medical conditions such as degenerative diseases, which do not have effective traditional pharmacological therapies.
  • MSCs offer treatments with an important possibility of recovery and improvement of hope and quality of life.
  • They can reverse or slow the progression of the disease.
  • The MSCs of adipose tissue and bone marrow are obtained through ambulatory and low-risk processes, with local anesthesia.
  • The Wharton Jelly MSCs of the umbilical cord are available at all times in the incubators of the BioXcellerator cell bank, avoiding the patient having to go through some surgical procedure for its extraction.
  • They can be used for rejuvenation or anti-aging treatments.





The treatment with MSC is a process that demands advanced technical and technological capacities, and a professional team highly specialized in cellular therapy. Before cell therapy, the BioXcellerator team performs the following procedures to have the cells ready at all times for our patients:

  1. Obtaining umbilical cords
  2. Extensive safety and quality tests on umbilical cord samples
  3. Separation or isolation: the procedure by which they separate the MSCs of the tissue
  4. Cultivation or expansion: the cells are cultivated in order to increase their number and their purity for the necessary dose in each pathology.
  5. Cryopreservation: after expansion, the cells are stored at temperatures of -180oC for conservation and use in future doses, if necessary.

At the time of cell therapy the following steps are followed:

  1. Patient evaluation, medical history, diagnostic aids
  2. Patient preparation with Bioregulatory Systems Medicine, Functional Medicine, Orthomolecular Medicine, and Hyperbaric Medicine.
  3. Treatment with cell therapy: Application intravenously, intramuscularly, intraarticularly, intralesionally, intrathecally, intranasally, intradermally, intradiscally, among others according to the needs of the patient.
  4. Close and constant monitoring. (1, 3, 6, and 12 months)

How are therapies with stem cells enhanced?


The majority of therapies in BioXcellerator are complemented with BioXgel (concentration of growth factors) which are responsible for providing nutrients to the cells used and accelerating the natural process of repair, desinflammation and regeneration of tissues.

Bioxgel is obtained from a small amount of blood from the same patient, which is processed with high-quality standards which allow having a concentration of these factors.

  • Hyperbaric oxygen therapy.
  • Oral medications, bioregulators of systems
  • IV nutrition, IV Therapy.
  • Nutritional recommendations
  • Recommendations for post-treatment cellular stimulation.



To qualify as suitable, certain factors must be evaluated such as the physiological condition of the patient, the current state of his illness. Our scientific medical committee is the one who decides whether a patient can or cannot receive treatment. We will not offer the treatment if we believe that there is potential danger no matter how insignificant, or if it is considered that the therapy will not provide any benefit.

"The treatments with stem cells are specific for each patient. The same treatment can have different results among them," says Karolynn Halpert, medical director of BioXcellerator.

Another exclusion criterion is patients with cancer or with a high risk of cancer. In turn, stem cells are not used in pregnant women.




bioxcellerator lab in medellin colombia

BioXcellerator is a company interested in the health of people, therefore, based on positive experiences and innovation with cell therapy, offers regenerative medical therapies to treat various autoimmune, musculoskeletal, neurodegenerative diseases, among others, and so on. bring well-being to your patients.

Headquartered in Phoenix, Arizona and clinic in Medellín, Colombia, BioXcellerator is an organization that permanently ventures into the field of regenerative medicine and documents its success stories to contribute to the solution of various diseases.

BioXcellerator in Colombia, under the direction of Dr. Halpert, is a pioneer institution in the application of stem cells, which has approved therapies and with the highest standards of quality, human resources, commitment and state-of-the-art technologies.

BioXcellerator has worked with the top researchers, scientists, inventors, and doctors to refine a line of products and services that will re-envision not only the stem cell industry but health care as a whole. The way in which cells are harvested to the actual treatments. The pre-and post-procedure treatments, and even the instruments and supplies practitioners use to harvest, and process stem cells have all been reinvented.

Our scientific and medical advisory team are tops in their fields. To learn more about the people behind BioXcellerator, visit our team page.

Our state of the art clinic and new cryo-lab offer a unique ability to do advance stem cell therapies and bank for the future.



The fundamentals of the BioXcellerator quality management system are based on the following regulations and standards for cell therapy, safety and infrastructure conditions:
  • CAT Standards for the Obtention, Processing, Storage and Distribution of Blood Umbilical cord.
  • INVIMA (the institution that fulfills the role of the FDA in Colombia) Standards: Good Practices for Tissue Banks and Bone Marrow.
  • FACT-JACIE International standards for the collection, processing and administration of hematopoietic cell therapy products.
  • ISO 14644: 2016 Standard Air quality in controlled environments.
  • ISO 9001: 2015 Standard Quality Management Systems
  • Colombian resolution 2378 of 2008 Adoption of Good Clinical Practices for Research with Medicines in Humans (specifically for clinical research projects)
  • ASS-RSA-GU045 Clinical Investigation Medicine and Supplies Guide INVIMA.
  • ISSCR International Society for Stem Cell Research.
  • GMP Spanish Agency of Medicines and Health Products.
  • Enabling Standards under colombian Resolution 2003 of 2014